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  1. 2015.01.16 Packages를 사용하여 맥용 앱 인스톨러 만들기

Packages를 사용하여 맥용 앱 인스톨러 만들기

Tech 2015. 1. 16. 00:08

맥용 앱스토어에 올리기 않고 그냥 배포하기 위한 인스톨러를 만들기..

Packages 라는 무료 앱으로 GUI로 쉽게 가능함..


Creating a package 

This documents shows how to create a package to install the TextEdit application in the /Applications folder.

Creating a new project

1Open the Packages application.
2Choose File > New Project…
3Select the Raw Package project template and click Next.
4Type MyPackage in the Project name text field and click Finish.

Adding files to be installed

1Select the Payload pane.
2Select the Applications line.
3Click the + button in the Payload pane.
4Go the /Applications folder.
5Select the TextEdit application and click Add…
6Click Add.

Building the package

1Choose File > Save.
2Choose Build > Build.

The MyPackage.pkg package will be built in the build folder at the same level that the project document.
